David Laurence (デービット・ローレンス)

I’ve been working at Chubu University since 2008, and at the Department of English Language and Culture since Spring 2013.
I’m originally from Cleveland, Ohio. I earned my Bachelor’s degree from Ohio University in 1995, and first came to Japan to teach English one year later. After teaching English at a private school in Fukuoka for nine years, I returned to Ohio University in 2005 to earn my Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics. After earning my degree, I taught at the University of Alabama’s English Language Institute before coming to teach at Chubu in 2008.
My research interests include the use of technology in the classroom, and I’m also keenly interested in testing and placement, curriculum development, and teacher training and professional development.
I am a member of the Japan Association of College English Teachers, TESOL, the Japan Association of Language Teachers and its Special Interest Groups in College and University Education and Computer Assisted Language Learning.
Contact Information
Phone: (0568) 51-6745 (x5442 on campus)
Office: 26428
Mailing Address: David Laurence, Department of English Language and Culture, Chubu University, 1200 Matsumoto-cho, Kasugai, Aichi, 487-8501