Tsukamoto, M., Ito, H., Nakagawa, H., and Matsuo, K. (November, 2017. Yokohama). A non-synonymous SNP in the ABCC4 gene (rs3765534, E757K) is associated with the risk of breast cancer. TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2017.
Tsukamo, M., Ito, H., Nakagawa, H., Matsuo, K. (2017年9月, 横浜). A non-synonymous SNP in the ABCC4 gene (rs3765534, E757K) is associated with the risk of breast cancer. 日本癌学会.
Ishiguro, J., Ito, H., Tsukamo, M., Iwata, H., Nakagawa, H., Matsuo, K. (2017年9月, 横浜). Association between the earwax-associated SNP in ABCC11 (rs17822931) and breast cancer risk in Japanese population. 日本癌学会.
Tsukamoto, M., Satake, K., Miyake, M., Ishikawa, T., and Nakagawa, H. (October, 2016. Yokohama). Effects of non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms on the function of human ABC transporter ABCC4 expressed in Flp-In-293 cells. TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2016.Selected for the Best Poster Award.
井上裕貴, 森田隆, 小野塚真理,佐野和美, 中川大, 佐野元彦, 齋藤健一, 近藤正巳, 岸野亨, 池上洋二. (2016年10月, 横浜). Interaction of the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors gefitinib, erlotini, lapatinib and afatinib inhibits the function of ABCG2. 日本癌学会.
中川大, 三宅美月, 塚本めぐみ, 佐竹一紘, 中田晋, 石川智久. (2016年10月, 横浜). The human ABCG4 transporter confers taxol resistance to cells. 日本癌学会.
塚本めぐみ, 佐竹一紘, 三宅美月, 石川智久, 中川大. (2016年10月, 横浜). Effects of non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms on the function of human ABC transporter ABCC4 expressed in Flp-In-293 cells. 日本癌学会.
Yoshida, M., Ishida, Y., Sato, H., Adachi, K., Murase, H., Nakagawa, H., Doi, T. (2015年11月, 平塚). Combinatorial synthesis and biological evaluation of cyclodepsipeptide destruxin E analogues. ペプチド討論会.
井上裕貴, 小野塚真理, 佐野和美, 中川大, 佐竹一紘, 池上洋二. (2015年10月, 名古屋). EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor Afatinib inhibits the function of ABCG2. 日本癌学会.
塚本めぐみ, 佐竹一紘, 三宅美月, 石川智久, 中川大. (2015年10月, 名古屋). Effects of non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms on the function of human ABC transporter ABCC4. 日本癌学会.
三宅美月, 塚本めぐみ, 佐竹一紘, 中田晋, 石川智久, 中川大. (2015年10月, 名古屋). Human ABC transporter ABCG4 is a novel type of drug transporter. 日本癌学会.
佐竹一紘, 塚本めぐみ, 石川智久, 中川大. (2015年10月, 名古屋). Predicted crucial amino acid residues for substrate recognition by human ABCB1: in vitro analysis–based calculation. 日本癌学会.
吉田将人,安達謙太,中川大,村瀬隼人, 土井隆行. (2015年9月, 岩手). 標的分子同定を目的としてDestruxin E 誘導体の全合成と活性評価. 日本薬学会東北支部大会.
Satake, K., Tsukamoto, M., Inoue, Y., Sano, K., Ishikawa, T. Ikegami, Y., and Nakagawa, H. (June, 2015. Shanghai). Amino acid at position 482 of human ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCG2 is crucial for camptothecin analogue recognition. International Sympodium on Phytochemicals in Medicine and Food.
Nakagawa, H., Satake, K., Tsukamoto, M., Toyoda, Y., Kadioglu, O., Regasini LO, Bolzani Vda S, Ishikawa, T., Fricker, G., and Efferth, T. (April, 2015. Lucca). Predicted crucial amino acid residues for substrate recognition by human ABCB1: in vitro analysis–based calculation using novel substrates for human ABCB1 from Pterogyne nitens and Magnolia sp. Gordon Research Conference on Multi-Drug Efflux Systems.
Toyoda, Y., Takada, T., Nakagawa, H., Miyata, H., Gomi, T., Tagawa, Y., Ishikawa, T., and Suzuki, H. (April, 2015. Lucca). Untargeted metablomics analysis in ABCC11 Tg mouse. Gordon Research Conference on Multi-Drug Efflux Systems.
Aoyama, Y., Ukai, Y., Ito, M., Woo,JT., Nakagawa, H., and Ohnishi, M. (November, 2014. Sendai). Development and evalution of the assay system and screening for inhibitors of anti-CD98 antibody-induced cell fusion. 11th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase.
Tsukamoto, M., Satake, K., Miyake, M., Ishikawa, T., and Nakagawa, H.(November, 2014. Yokohama). Non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism in the human ABCC4 gene (896 T>C) causes instability of the ABCC4 protein. TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2014.Selected for the Award of Excellence.
佐竹一紘, 中尾(若林)香菜子, 石川智久, 中川大. (2014年9月, 横浜). Human ABCG2 with neither intermolecular disulfide bond nor N-linked sugar chain can confer drug resistance to the cells. 日本癌学会.
Satake, K., Tsukamoto, M., Tajima, Y., Wakabayashi-Nakao, K., Ishikawa, T., and Nakagawa, H.(October, 2013. Yokohama). Human ABCG2 with no intermolecular disulfide bond and N-linked sugar chain can confer drug resistance to the cells. TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2013.Selected for the Award of Excellence.
Tajima, Y., Murase, H., Satake, K., Regasini LO, Bolzani Vda S, Fricker, G., and Efferth, T., and Nakagawa, H. (November, 2012. Nagoya). Nitensidine A, guanidine alkaloid from Pterogyne nitens, induces osteoclastic cell death. Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT) meeting.
Tajima, Y., Nakagawa, H., Satake, K., Regasini LO, Bolzani Vda S, Ishikawa, T., Fricker, G., and Efferth, T. (November, 2012. Yokohama). The aliphatic side chains and nitrogen atom of =NH in the core structural unit in nitensidine A coordinately affect their recognition by human ABCB1. TOIN International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering 2012.Selected for the Award of Excellence.
Nakagawa, H., Tamura, A., Li, S., Aida-Hyugaji, S.,Regasini LO, Bolzani Vda S, Hirose, S., Efferth, T., Fricker, G., and Ishikawa, T. (January, 2012. Tokyo). The low polar and planar structure of aminoguanidine alkaloid contributes to the interaction with human ATP-binding cassette transporter ABCB1. The International Symposium on Past, Present and Future of Molecular Pharmacokinetics; Integration of Basic Science, Drug Development and Regulation.
Nakagawa, H., Tamura, A., Li, S., Aida-Hyugaji, S.,Regasini LO, Bolzani Vda S, Hirose, S., Ishikawa, T., Fricker, G., and Efferth, T. (November, 2011, Kyoto). The low polarity and planar structure of guanidine alkaloids contribute to their interaction with human ABC transporter ABCB1. ABC Symposium 2011 in Kyoto