概要 About
学生主体の標準化教育:環境分野(Student oriented education of Standardization in the field of SDGs and Smart Societyt) 中部大学 経営情報学部 経営学科 伊藤佳世ゼミ Chubu University Dept of Management Seminar of Kayo Ito
We are lerning about Susitainablity and Standardization and promoting education about Standardization.
We are developing teaching material)game) based on International standard and teaching them to industies, citizens and kids at enviroinmental events
持続可能な発展を担う人材になること Promote Sustainable Development
連絡先:Contact Info
chubu_esd_team@yahoo.co.jp | |
Website | https://www.facebook.com/ChubuunivESDecomoneyteam |
https://twitter.com/EsdTeam | |
https://www.instagram.com/chubu_esd_team/?hl=ja |